Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Student Success Statement: Og Mandino

Student Success Statement
“True wealth is of the heart not of the purse”.
Og Mandino

I think this quote means that wealth is depending on the kind of person you are. 

Allergist/ Immunologist

Allergist/ Immunologist
An allergist / immunologist is a physician specially trained to diagnose, treat and manage allergies, asthma and immunologic disorders including primary immunodeficiency disorders. Allergists practicing in the United States have completed medical school, at least three years of residency in pediatrics or internal medicine, then at least two years of specialized training in allergy and immunology.
Duties and responsibilities: Provide primary care to patients suffering from common allergic reactions.
Salary: 50% of allergist earn $225,814
Education: To become an allergist / immunologist you have to at least have an additional nine years of training beyond a bachelor’s degree.

Maybe I will like to become an allergist because they give good money. Also because I will like to help people with allergies and asthma. But at the same time I don’t think I will like to be one because I have to have a long training. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Student Success Statement

       “Real wealth is not so much what we have as what we are.”
                           Sterling W. Sill

Reflection: I think this quote means that just by being us were are wealthy, but we might not be rich.


Acupuncture is a technique were putting needles in specific parts of the body which involves cupping therapy. Acupuncture is safe when done using clean technique and single use needles. The acupuncture needles are mostly made of stainless steel. When a needle is used it is thrown away after use to prevent contamination.
Duties and Responsibilities: You have to personalize a treatment plan that focuses on the body's overall health.
Salary: Average $72,000
Education: If you want to become an acupuncturist, you need a bachelor's degree and a solid science background to begin your graduate-level study of acupuncture.

I think I will like to be an acupuncturist because they get paid good money. Also because they don’t ask a lot from you to become an acupuncturist.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Student Success Statement: Ezra T. Benson

                                                     Student Success Statement 
                    " You cannot do something wrong and feel right. It is impossible."
                                                         Ezra T. Benson
   I think this statement means that when you do something wrong you shouldn't be happy or feel right. For example, if you do drugs you shouldn't feel happy you do drugs because drugs is a bad thing.


                             Online Research:
Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique. It is a pressure applied to the hands, elbow, and devises. There are different instruments for none specific pressure by rubbing, rolling, or reflex zones of the body. Some people from the Middle East use the pressure as a self-defense. Also many East Asian martial arts also make extensive study and use of acupressure for self-defense and health purposes.
Duties and Responsibilities: They take into account a patient's physical, mental and emotional condition. Provide treatment of symptoms and disorders using needles and small electrical currents.
Salary: $61,000
Education: In states that require licensure for massage therapists, aspiring acupressure technicians must undergo formal training.

Reflection: I will not like to be one because I don’t really like to massage other people. Also because many things can go wrong. Also because the salary is a little to little.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My First Week of School 2014-2015

                 My first day of high school was good. Also the first week went good because i got to meet new friends and teachers. My first block is Ms. Munoz. My second block is Mr. Hymar. After that my third block is Ms. De La Rosa. My fourth block is P.E Mr. Parkhill. My fifth block is Ms. Davis. Sixth block is Ms. Arellano. My last classes which is seventh and eighth block is Ms.Ross. And my advisory teacher is Mr.Parkhill. On the second day after school I went  to to talk to the basketball coach about joining basketball because im planning to join this year. School is going good so far because its like starting of fresh to a different school with new friends and teachers and brand new grades. After one week of high school I can tell that i'm going to be having a very good school year and also after the first week of school I realize this is a really good school.

Student Success Statment:Thomas S. Monson

Student Success Statement
“Decisions determine destiny.”
                        Thomas S. Monson


I think that this statement mean that the decisions you make know lead to your future. Also if you make good decisions in life you will have a better future in life. For example like going to college, graduating high school. But if you make bad decision you well not end up well at the end.

Student Success Statement: Gordon B. Hinckley

Student Success Statement
“Education is the latchkey to success in life.”
                        Gordon B. Hinckley

I think what Gordon B. Hinckley meant when he said; “Education is the latchkey to success in life” was that education can lead you to success in life.


Duties and Responsibilities
Ophthalmologists are physicians who specialize in the treatment of eye disorders and diseases. They treat vision problems and write prospections for both pharmaceuticals and corrective eyeglasses lenses. When necessary, they perform eye surgery. Most ophthalmologist are in private practice, however some are employed by hospitals or clinic, and others perform research.
Average Salary: $90,000-$150,000
Educational Requirements:                                                      Only physicians may study to become ophthalmologist. After completing medical school and an internship, an ophthalmologist must complete a three to five year residency in an approved ophthalmology program. After completing their residency program they must pass and examination to be certified.

Reflection: I think I will like to be one because they get paid a good amount of money. Also because I want to help people have a better eye vision. It also seems interesting what ophthalmologist do. 


Duties and Responsibilities
Psychiatrists are physicians who specialize in the problems of mental illness. As physicians, they are licensed to use wide variety of treatment sand may write prospections. Psychiatrist may work for the government, have their own private practice, or work in hospitals, clinic, or universities. Their duties include:
·        Designing treatment programs.
·        Conducting psychotherapy sessions.
·        Prescribing potent mental illness drugs.
·        Supervising electrotherapy treatments.
·        Conducting research.
·        Leading team of mental health care providers.
Average Salary: $90,000- $200,000
Educational Requirements: Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D. degrees
In addition to completing the requirements for a degree in allopathic or osteopathic medicine, psychiatrist must complete an intensive three year residency in psychiatry.

I think I will like to be a psychiartist because they win good money and it seems intersting to work at a hospitals and help others.